Thursday, August 18, 2011

3D paper star

I made this three dimensional star using normal A4 paper.Each point of the star is made separately and when the points are joined, the star has a three dimensional (3D) form, looking the same from each side. It would have looked more colorful if decorated with colors and glitters.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


These flowers have been made using tissue papers.I painted the borders of the paper using water color.Once the paint had dried out ,made flowers out of them.Its very easy to make them.Its very much like Japanese fan.

I used a Pepsi paper glass as the vase. Covered it with a plain sheet paper and drew some pictures on it.

Butterfly's with gift wrapper

Butterfly with A4 sheet

This is also origami butterfly.I used a normal A4 sheet paper to make this and gave the finishing touches with water color.

Butterfly with magazine paper

I used a normal glazed magazine sheet to make this butterfly.This requires lots of folds.